School Projects

Fun Projects

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Real Purpose of Three Day Weekends

When the Fourth of July falls on a weekday, most gainfully employed Americans are given the day off to celebrate Independence Day with parades and picnics and fireworks. Once in a while, however, this important summer holiday falls on a Sunday, which means no special day off. You have to celebrate on your own time. Or does it? It does not, because many people get the following Monday off, producing that most wonderful event: the Three Day Weekend. This is the ultimate celebration for those who do projects because we can party on Saturday AND Sunday, and still have Monday free to get things done! Our whole family took full advantage.

The kids painted birthday cards for their cousin. I found that giving Brynn plain old water and a brush was just as satisfying for her as real paint. If you like their smocks, all you need is an old pillow case. Use a t-shirt as a guide to mark how big to cut the neck and arm holes on the bottom and sides of the pillow case. I left my edges raw, but you could turn the edges under and finish the hems if you like. I also turned up the top of the pillow case and sewed several vertical seams to create pockets on the front of the smock, but I would not do that again, for two reasons. First, the pockets have never been used. Second, more coverage when it comes to paint is always better. It never ceases to amaze me where I find splotches of paint after a project!

Aaron spent more time on a ladder, working on his soffit project. He is almost done, which is really good news. He also added a much needed yard light to the back of our garage, so maybe we can chase away the pesky skunk that seems to enjoy wandering through our yard.

To round out the family projects, I FINALLY finished doing the curtains in Brynn's room. I finished sewing the curtains months ago, and got brave enough to hang the rods myself weeks ago, but the curtains themselves still sat, neatly folded, on the dresser. On a holiday visit to the project store (also known as Menards), I finally picked up enough rings to hang the curtains, so on Monday I was free to clip the rings onto the fabric (math not being my strong point made this take longer then it should have), take the rods back apart, and thread the rings onto the poles. Thankfully, I am very happy with the outcome.


Jessica said...

I forgot to tell you that I saw Brynn's curtains this morning. They're really cute and white was a good choice. It really sets off the paint color nicely.

Good job, project master.

~ Tandis ~ said...

What a "get 'er done" family you are!
I had to laugh at Brynn with her water paint. She's funny!