School Projects

Fun Projects

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas is Coming:Day 4 (a little late)

I love the idea of Advent Calendars - counting down to Christmas with little treats and treasures every day.  Each year around the beginning of November I try to come up with something really fun and exciting and memorable.  Then Thanksgiving comes and then December 1st.  Around December 2nd or 3rd I give up because it is kinda late anyway.
Last year my mom came through for me.  She made this cute little box with 25 drawers and she filled the drawers with candy.  MEGA HIT.  We are using it again this year and it is still a hit.  I have to stand guard over those drawers so they don't get opened BEFORE breakfast.
This year my Aunt Lynda provided a box full of treasures, one to be opened each day until Christmas.  Growing up, this aunt could always be counted on to have "ideas."  Some ideas were great and some embarrassing but they were always memorable.  She hasn't lost her touch.  So far the big brown box has yielded up magnets and holiday window clings (not all for Christmas), and these presents NEVER last until breakfast.
Maybe next year Pinterest will help me out with my own Advent calendar....or maybe not.
Merry Christmas Everyone!


~ Tandis ~ said...

I love those little drawers and have seen some cute ones at HobLob. Still haven't bought one yet.

Haha... at least you weren't like THIS Mom who bought them at Aldi on clearance last year for 99 cents and stored them in Christmas stuff until this year. :) Apparently the chocolate didn't keep for my little picky chocolatiers.

Aaron said...

Wait - there'scandy in there?