School Projects

Fun Projects

Monday, September 30, 2013


The other day, while I was working on my shutter removal project, Ian came running to find me.  As he ran he shouted "HEY MOM, LOOK WHAT I MADE!" 
I paused to examine his little creation and found that he had made a puppet from an empty toilet paper roll, some scrap paper, and markers.  I showed suitable excitement and admiration, and then out of curiosity asked "Where did you get the empty tube?"
He paused in his excitement...." was empty!!"  Then he rushed on, before I could pursue the toilet paper question further: "Look, my puppet has loose teeth!"
I decided it was better to be pleased at the creativity and pretend not to be concerned about the possible toilet paper problem.  After all, he made a project, right?

Happy puppetry, everyone!

Linked up at:
Highhill Homeschool


~ Tandis ~ said...

Hopefully the tp didn't get flushed down the toilet in one giant wad. ;)
I have to admit, I see a little voodoo dolly there. hehe.
It will be amazing if all your kids don't end up as artists and engineers the way you craft everything or fix and build everything. :)

Jessica said...

Pretty clever creation. The apple didn't fall far from the tree. ;)

Unknown said...

Awwww! Imitation is the highest form of flattery :). That's awesome. I love the loose teeth especially.

jmommymom said...

That's awesome! Tell him I love the cutouts in his puppet. Will he be making more for Halloween? My son collects all the empty toilet paper tubes and hides them under his bed. They get used along with empty cereal boxes for all sorts of projects. Lately, many have become homes for stuffed animals.