School Projects

Fun Projects

Friday, April 15, 2011

Making My Kids Like Me Again

Okay, I'll admit it. The past few days of travel preparation have had me a little stressed out. I have been a bit grumpy and crabby. If you force me into full disclosure, there may have even been moments of downright nastiness. Yep, I biffed that one pretty badly.

So, yesterday, I decided that I would try to make my kids like me again by doing mostly fun stuff (before the last mad packing dash).

Yesterday was SUPPOSED to by "Project Day", but our projecting buddies had Chicken Pox germs, so we decided to stay apart. Our project was "Phone Number Bracelets", which I found here.

As I have said before, Brynnie likes bling, so she was thrilled. Ian wasn't as excited, but accepted the idea as we talked about what to do if "Mommy and Daddy got lost."

After rest time, I had one more fool-proof way to make my kids love me again.


I think it worked.

(I found this fun idea here - although I don't think they tried it out with a four-year-old.)


~ Tandis ~ said...

Good idea to make the phone number bracelets. I'd also remind them A LOT about what Daddy & Mommy's REAL names are and that they HAVE to talk to Police men if "mommy & daddy get lost". Had to laugh at how you phrased that. Hehe. Of course it's Mommy & Daddy that "get lost" and not the child! ;)

The art project was a great idea with the truck. We'd have to get a horse hoof print to track paint around at our house. Haha.

Mindy said...

great idea! i like talking about mommy and daddy getting lost instead of the other way around. it seems like you can warn and prepare them better without instilling unecessary fear.

Jessica said...

Bracelets are a great idea. But please don't have a situation where you really need them.