School Projects

Fun Projects

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Today marks the end of my "Get Caught Up You Idiot" countdown.  My goals were to get all the laundry done, prepare as much as possible for the "Worker Guy Uncle" who will be staying at our house during our project, and then pack for the kids and my visit to my mom's house.  I think I achieved those goals, but we'll find out for sure tomorrow morning when it is time to evacuate.  It's those things that can't be done until the last minute that get me every time
After Aaron came home from work, we moved out the last of the furniture (except for the stuff we need to survive this final night).

Here are some BEFORE pictures of the main areas we are going to be working on:
The Living Room
I can't wait for that fake wood paneling to be gone!
This is the master bedroom - Aaron calls it the Sarajevo Room.
In case you are wondering, the green squares are paint test patches.
And finally the bathroom - although calling it a bathroom is using the term very loosely.  Since it leaks in ever conceivable place that a bathroom can leak, we used it for storage instead of the intended purposes.  Someday though, it will be our super-awesome non-leaking fully-functioning master bathroom.
Tomorrow, demolition begins, 
and so does my countdown to moving back into an almost new house!
Stay tuned for AFTER pictures - cause they are going to be AWESOME!!!!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Yay! We're all excited for you, too!